At our dental office in Hamilton, our dentists offer custom-fitted dental appliances to help protect your oral health and overall well-being.

What is a Dental Appliance?
We must do more than brush and floss to maintain excellent oral health. For those of us who play sports, or who clench or grind our teeth, dental appliances can help protect and preserve our oral structures, along with our general health.
At Downtown Dental of Hamilton, we offer dental appliances such as mouthguards to improve and protect the health of your oral cavity.
Sports Guards
If you play sports, you are taking a risk of being hit in the mouth. A mouthguard acts as a barrier between your teeth and the soft tissue of your mouth to protect your smile and prevent dental emergencies as a result of injury.
Night Guards
Do you grind your teeth during sleep? A mouthguard can help protect your teeth from damage. If you clench your jaw, a mouthguard can help prevent you from clenching and offer pain relief.